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Teal Swan - Sculptor in the sky [ENG] [.jpg]
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teal swan sculptor

Jul 7, 2015

The Sculptor in the Sky

The new, transformational book By Spiritual Catalyst, Teal Swan: The Sculptor in the Sky provides a groundbreaking new way to view the universe we live in. It illuminates the road to success, health and happiness, while answering the big questions in life along the way. 

The Sculptor In The Sky takes you on a journey of rediscovery of the universe of god and of yourself. This extraordinary book challenges us to reconnect with the eternal essence of our being. It is a must have for the curious, the wanting and the ready. A provocative guide to answering the questions that every person asks at some point in their life

Quotes from The Sculptor in the Sky

"You can not have a life, you can not lose a life... You are life. It is you who hold the power to decide yourself back onto the path you intended...the path of welcoming and becoming your own bliss."

"In the beginning there was light. The immeasurable, unsurpassed cosmos was a blank fabric of space time Ready to be woven full of meaning. Waiting for you. The history of this universe is woven as easily as silk From moment to moment as you live it. And when we trace the thread, back to the beginning We find out what we really are Is immeasurable Is unsurpassed."

"May you come to understand that your open eyes deceive you. What you see is but a fraction of what is. Beyond the veil of this dimension, you will see that you have never arrived. You have never departed. There is no beginning or end to that which is you."

"Of the mystery, the challenge, the gift, the illusion of free will, It can only be said that there is but one opportunity giving rise to two diverging paths, on one side the choice to use it, on the other the choice to leave it alone. And either way, you are free."

"Without all ornament yet with substance still, potential still remains. To value one's self is no kind of false art form. Is worth so faint a thing to perceive? The seasons of life that cover it in complex cobwebs would have you forget that potential is worth, and all that dies around it, leaves it green."

"Joy is staring us down, unblinking every moment. It is in the golden valleys of a ceaseless sky. It is in the naked and vulnerable nature of a smile passed from one set of lips to another. It is in the leisurely taste of an ice cream cone in the summer. You could wander each and every continent all of your life, as many often do… Searching for this state called happiness and miss the truth in its entirety that you had it all along. Tangled but ever present in the spaces between what you were focused on. Waiting for your notice."

"Immortality is ever present in this playground of birth and death. Again and again each cycle begins with the promise that there is more at work here than living and dying. This existence which now feels like a homeland, Has become your blood, Your sweat, Your tears, its temporary nature forgotten in the everyday experiences you call your life. This has become your identity, it has become your always. But it is not who you are. You are the immortal source of all that is. When you look for it, you can see it in every face you end up meeting, You can hear it between the beats your busy heart keeps beating."

"Here in this suffering, all previous beliefs are called into question. They are consumed in the fire sparked and fueled by our own illusion. The pain becomes the ashes we are now entombed in. It is only when we find ourselves at this most imprisoned of junctures that we emerge again, the phoenix of our very life which is ever so much more beautiful than the last one.""

"Here, the now is always changing… Changing always into itself. The new face of now is still itself and itself is still now. The now is a forever genre of emptiness containing everything that is, even everything that ever was. At every moment, you stand on alien ground, presented ceaselessly the opportunity to become new with it. Stop dragging the shackles of what was, forward with you. Too long they have sounded their iron clang across your years. You are blameless, as everything is blameless. Let it go, for those who deliver themselves the life sentence of injustice sleep pressed up against the coarse and bitter bars of their own self constructed jail cells. While all the universe is yelling, let forgiveness be your key."

"Always in the narrow scope of adversity and advantage, can possibility for triumph be seen. Success is always yours for the taking. Joy is always yours for the taking. They always have been, and they always will be. The real value you hold in life, is not in what cards you have been dealt in this life, but how you play them. Your life can be a triumph in spite of any kind of adversity. Or Your life can be a tragedy in spite of every advantage. Your freedom lies in that fact that it is your choice, which way you create your life to be."

"Your name like dusk And mine, like dawn. One, the end of a new beginning, The other, the beginning of a certain end. In-between, the light of day affords a glimpse of an axiom, unseen through the covered lens of our separate sight. That there has not been a moment where our beginning and end has not been one and the same. So let these hands of mine, be your hands. They have been orphaned as you have been orphaned. They have bled as you have bled, They have ripened in the sunshine of your joy. So let them give back now that which they have taken. Let all that remains of them be yours from this day evermore."

"You cannot have a life, You cannot lose a life, You are life. Let your tears be no more than the glittering aftermath of revolution. For your smile is the doorway to bliss, blown open by the proud cathedral of your laughter whose bells can be heard ringing on eternally even in the steadiness of breath. Lay down your fear and come to know the gospel of your glory. And make of yourself a readiness to become anything you should ever want to become."